Friday, June 7, 2013

Whole Living, Whole Lifestyle

In my blog, I repeatedly mention Whole Living or moreover Whole Lifestyle.  
Some have an idea of what this is but many do not understand the concept.
My goal today, is to open the window so that all who are following and those yet to come, have a good idea of what my understanding of a Whole Lifestyle is.
The definition of whole is:
1. Containing all components; complete
2. Not divided or disjoined; in one unit
3. Constituting the full amount, extent, or duration
4. a. Not wounded, injured, or impaired; sound or unhurt bHaving been restored; healed:
The definition of Lifestyle is:
1.the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.
2.  A way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies, which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis.

What I mean when I talk about Whole Living or a Whole Lifestyle is living in a manner that comprises the human condition as a compound unit.
To live a whole Lifestyle it is important to approach every aspect of our life condition as though it were a physical, mechanical being.
The best way to visualize Whole Living so that we can put the concept to work is to visualize independent issues (physical, mental, emotional, and psychological, etc.) as you would a car
The different parts of the car serve different purposes and may even be able to work separate one from another.  However, they need to function with each other to comprise a car.
If one mechanism in the car is not working properly and steps are not taken to fix the malfunction, different components in the vehicle begin to slowly break down until it doesn’t properly operate or completely breaks down.
We are exactly the same.  If any one component of our make-up is faulty, the rest of the components begin to slowly fail.
A Whole Lifestyle entails caring for our entire being instead of just parts of what make us a complete unit.
We need to be aware of every aspect of who we are so that if any one aspect is at risk of being unwell, we do all we can to repair it so that we continue to function in a fluid, happy and healthy motion.
We have to be aware that our physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, environmental, familial, societal, environmental and worldly selves all need to be fed in a manner that will ensure our optimal health.
This does not mean we will never be unwell.
This means that we do everything we can to remain in a state of well-being.
We cannot give completely and wholly of ourselves if we ourselves are not whole.
I am writing this blog in the hopes that I can help my readers to live a Whole Life.
I will share myself and my life as an example of being. 
The smile you see on my face is a genuine manifestation of my whole being.
I hope that my light will touch everyone I come in contact with whether it be through my cooking, my words, my touch, my smile or any manifestation of myself.
I encourage you from this day forward to make a commitment to:
Put Yourself First, Breathe Deeply, Smile Often, Detox, Talk It Out, Eat Healthy, Smile, Be Positive, Make Love, Walk Daily
Tell Yourself You’re Beautiful, Sleep Well, Pray, Stretch
And any other positive thing that moves you into a state of well-being.
As always, thank you for coming along for the ride.
Until next time.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla Veggie Chef Figaro

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