I chose this topic because once again this disease has invaded someone dear to me.
My first thought is always to apologize when I don't keep a commitment (i.e. my commitment to a weekly post) however, this particular subject warranted care.
I wanted to post information that I truly stood behind since there is so much confusion and fear surrounding this disease.
I must make it clear that I am not a doctor and anything I post is simply based on my research and beliefs.
Please be diligent in doing your own research so that you can make educated decisions for your own well being.
The National Cancer Institute
estimates that in 2013 approximately 1,660,290 men and women will be diagnosed with and 580,350 will die of various types of cancer.
1. The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
2. A malignant growth or tumor resulting from such a division of cells.
The medical definition of cancer is:
A malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systematically by metastasis.
The reason I highlighted the words above is to point out my own personal belief and understanding about these definitions.
In my opinion, anything that divides and spreads uncontrolled is a spore.
The following are images of cancer cells that I found on the Internet.

Look for the images yourself.

If you open a spore, it inevitably will spread.
This leads to my confusion as to why the medical profession INSISTS ON PERFORMING BIOPSIES.
Why would you cut open something that will spread uncontrollably?
Would it not be more effective to initially remove the suspected tumor therefore avoiding not only the possibility that it may be malignant but the necessity for additional surgery?
Hmmm....Food for thought.
In 1966 Dr. Otto Warburg presented a lecture entitled "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" at the meeting of the Noble Laureates at Lindau Lake Constance Germany stating that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells.
You can read the revised translation of this speech at the following link. http://www.healingcancernaturally.com/warburgcancer-cause-prevention.html
Warburg's research states that oxygen respiration in normal cells is replaced by a fermentation of sugar.
Normal body cells meet their energy levels by respiration of oxygen while cancer cells meet their energy levels by fermentation of sugars or lactic acid.
Many different contributors can cause lactic acid build up in the body including, stress, carcinogens, muscle fatigue, environmental toxins...
Lactic Acid causes blood PH to become overly acidic.
This acidity is like fertilizer to cancer cells because it reduces the amount of oxygen the cells intake.
Alkalizing the cells increases the flow of oxygen and would cause the cancer cells to die.
Our bodies are meant to have a blood PH level between 7.35 and 7.45.
Cancer may remain dormant at these levels.
Any PH below 7.35 is Acidic and can potentially contribute to cancer cell growth.
However, by creating a slightly alkaline PH between 7.85 and 8.4 cancer cells will die off from excess oxygen.
Again, our bodies are meant to have a balanced PH so excess alkalinity for an over extended period of time can be harmful.
1. Reduce stress - Stress is one of the biggest producers of lactic acid in the body.

2. Exercise regularly - Regular exercise increase oxygen flow to the cells.

4. Laugh more - Laughing reduces stress and helps the body to relax.

5. Stop worrying - Worry increases stress levels.

6. Avoid Carcinogens - These are products which are known to cause cancer.
7. Eat alkaline rich foods - greens, garlic, berries, melons.

9. Consume enough Omega 3 fatty Acids - Natural cancer aggressor.
10. Drink Lemon and Limeade - Use organic sugar minimally of coarse.
11. Eat organic - Non organic foods usually
contain high counts of pesticides.
None of this is a guarantee to perfect health but anything that is better than what we have done or are doing is simply better and can only help.
There are countless things that I can list for you to do.
My best suggestion is to make better choices and Live a Whole Life.
Until next time, Thank You for joining my journey.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro
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