Let's start by defining Menopause.
Dictionary definition:
1. The natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs between 45 and 55.
2. Cessation of menstruation from other than natural causes.
Medical Definition:
The point in time when menstrual cycles permanently cease due to natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging, marking the permanent end of fertility.
Ladies and gentlemen.
Menopause is simply a natural result of the bodies reduction of estrogen and the increase of progesterone production .
The most common symptoms make women and those around them uncomfortable to say the least.
Symptoms of menopause for some women may begin in the mid to late 20's on through the 30's.
This is called perimenopause and unfortunately seems to have become more and more common.
This is possibly due to the growing rates of hormonal imbalances which can be attributed to the excessive intake of processed foods and sugars in todays average daily diet as well as, increased environmental stressors.
There are many symptoms associated with menopause however, those most common are:

Traditional medicine provides many relievers for these symptoms in the form of hormonal replacement medications however, as with all chemically derived medications there are a myriad of side affects associated with their use.
Luckily, there are many natural ways to find relief from these symptoms.
- One of the best things that can be done is to adapt to a lifestyle of Whole Living to help with the relief of the environmental stressors we face daily.
- Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Evening Primrose, Wild Yam, St. Johns Wart and Ginseng are herbs that contain plant estrogens which help regulate hormones that have been said to relieve symptoms such as vaginal dryness, depression, hot flashes, moodiness, itching, irritability and insomnia.
- Sesame, flax seed oil, red clover tea, natto, alfalfa sprouts, apples, barley, carrots, cherries, garbanzo beans, miso, black eyed peas, beets, garlic, tempeh, oats and sunflower seeds all contain phytoestrogens or isoflavones which have been known to provide natural relief for symptoms of menopause. Be sure you are consuming products which are Non-GMO and pesticide free.
- Homeopathic remedies such as Sepia,Cimicifuga and Lachesis.
- Essential oils not only smell good but are great stress relievers as well as there ability to eliminate environmental toxins.
- Aerobic and Isometric exercise help with insomnia, stress and joint pain.
- Minimize or eliminate caffeine, alcohol and processed sugar which increase the severity of hot flashes.
- Laughter helps to relieve stress and improve your attitude which will help relieve depression.
- At the end of the day just remember to love who you are because this is just a part of our natural life cycle.
These are just a few things that can be done.
Everything does not work for everyone so,Thank God we have options.
At the end of the day Ladies, we are still Super Women!
We are just Hotter...LOL.
Here is a simple tea recipe which helps relieve the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats.
1 Tbsp lemon grass
1 Tsp sage
1 Tsp ginger
1 Tbsp holy basil (Tulsi)
1 Tsp anise seed
1/2 Tsp vanilla
Place all ingredients in 1 quart boiling water and let steep about 20 min.
You can drink the tea hot or cold.
Sweeten with natural sweetener like stevia or coconut sugar.
Thanks for coming along on my journey.
Until next time.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro