Sunday, August 25, 2013

I'm Still Hot!!!...A Pause for Menopause

This post is for the hundreds upon hundreds of women who suffer from the symptoms of menopause and are at a loss for finding relief.

Let's start by defining Menopause.
Dictionary definition:
1. The natural cessation of menstruation that usually occurs between 45 and 55.
2. Cessation of menstruation from other than natural causes.

Medical Definition:
The point in time when menstrual cycles permanently cease due to natural depletion of ovarian oocytes from aging, marking the permanent end of fertility.

Ladies and gentlemen.
This is not a disease or illness.
Menopause is simply a natural result of the bodies reduction of estrogen and the increase of progesterone production .

The most common symptoms make women and those around them uncomfortable to say the least.
Symptoms of menopause for some women may begin in the mid to late 20's on through the 30's.
This is called perimenopause and unfortunately seems to have become more and more common.
This is possibly due to the growing rates of hormonal imbalances which can be attributed to the excessive intake of processed foods and sugars in todays average daily diet as well as, increased environmental stressors.

There are many symptoms associated with menopause however, those most common are:
Hot flashes, irregular periods, mood swings, itching, night sweats, bloating, irritability, insomnia, anxiety, low libido, joint stiffness, food cravings, vaginal dryness, food cravings, thinning hair, digestive issues, fatigue and forgetfulness.

Traditional medicine provides many relievers for these symptoms in the form of hormonal replacement medications however, as with all chemically derived medications there are a myriad of side affects associated with their use.

Luckily, there are many natural ways to find relief from these symptoms.

  1. One of the best things that can be done is to adapt to a lifestyle of Whole Living to help with the relief of the environmental stressors we face daily.
  2. Black Cohosh, Dong Quai, Evening Primrose, Wild Yam, St. Johns Wart and Ginseng are herbs that contain plant estrogens which help regulate hormones that have been said to relieve symptoms such as vaginal dryness, depression, hot flashes, moodiness, itching, irritability and insomnia.
  3. Sesame, flax seed oil, red clover tea, natto, alfalfa sprouts, apples, barley, carrots, cherries, garbanzo beans, miso, black eyed peas, beets, garlic, tempeh, oats and sunflower seeds all contain phytoestrogens or isoflavones which have been known to provide natural relief for symptoms of menopause.  Be sure you are consuming products which are Non-GMO and pesticide free.
  4. Homeopathic remedies such as Sepia,Cimicifuga and Lachesis.
  5. Essential oils not only smell good but are great stress relievers as well as there ability to eliminate environmental toxins.
  6. Aerobic and Isometric exercise help with insomnia, stress and joint pain.
  7. Minimize or eliminate caffeine, alcohol and processed sugar which increase the severity of hot flashes. 
  8. Laughter helps to relieve stress and improve your attitude which will help relieve depression.
  9. At the end of the day just remember to love who you are because this is just a part of our natural life cycle.
These are just a few things that can be done.
Everything does not work for everyone so,Thank God we have options.

At the end of the day Ladies, we are still Super Women!
We are just Hotter...LOL.

Here is a simple tea recipe which helps relieve the symptoms of hot flashes and night sweats.

1 Tbsp lemon grass
1 Tsp sage
1 Tsp ginger
1 Tbsp holy basil (Tulsi)
1 Tsp anise seed
1/2 Tsp vanilla

Place all ingredients in 1 quart boiling water and let steep about 20 min.
You can drink the tea hot or cold.
Sweeten with natural sweetener like stevia or coconut sugar.

Thanks for coming along on my journey.
Until next time.

Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro



Friday, August 16, 2013

CANCER...What is this Fiend and how do we fight it?

This post has been a long time in coming.
I chose this topic because once again this disease has invaded someone dear to me. 

My first thought is always to apologize when I don't keep a commitment (i.e. my commitment to a weekly post) however, this particular subject warranted care.
I wanted to post information that I truly stood behind since there is so much confusion and fear surrounding this disease.

I must make it clear that I am not a doctor and anything I post is simply based on my research and beliefs.
Please be diligent in doing your own research so that you can make educated decisions for your own well being.

The National Cancer Institute 
estimates that in 2013 approximately 1,660,290 men and women will be diagnosed with and 580,350 will die of various types of cancer.  

The dictionary definition of cancer is:
1. The disease caused by an uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body.
2. A malignant growth or tumor resulting from such a division of cells.
The medical definition of cancer is:
A malignant tumor of potentially unlimited growth that expands locally by invasion and systematically by metastasis.

The reason I highlighted the words above is to point out my own personal belief and understanding about these definitions.
In my opinion, anything that divides and spreads uncontrolled is a spore.
The following are images of cancer cells that I found on the Internet.
Form your own opinion, but all of these images look like spores to me.
Look for the images yourself.
Every image I saw resembled a spore.
If you open a spore, it inevitably will spread.

This leads to my confusion as to why the medical profession INSISTS ON PERFORMING BIOPSIES.
Why would you cut open something that will spread uncontrollably?
Would it not be more effective to initially remove the suspected tumor therefore avoiding not only the possibility that it may be malignant but the necessity for additional surgery?
Hmmm....Food for thought.

Cancer research has been done for years, yet the disease seems to elude a cure.

In 1966 Dr. Otto Warburg presented a lecture entitled "The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer" at the meeting of the Noble Laureates at Lindau Lake Constance Germany stating that cancer is caused by a lack of oxygen respiration in cells.
You can read the revised translation of this speech at the following link.

Warburg's research states that oxygen respiration in normal cells is replaced by a fermentation of sugar.
Normal body cells meet their energy levels by respiration of oxygen while cancer cells meet their energy levels by fermentation of sugars or lactic acid.

Many different contributors can cause lactic acid build up in the body including, stress, carcinogens, muscle fatigue, environmental toxins...

Lactic Acid causes blood PH to become overly acidic.
This acidity is like fertilizer to cancer cells because it reduces the amount of oxygen the cells intake.
Alkalizing the cells increases the flow of oxygen and would cause the cancer cells to die.

Our bodies are meant to have a blood PH level between 7.35 and 7.45.
Cancer may remain dormant at these levels.
Any PH below 7.35 is Acidic and can potentially contribute to cancer cell growth.
However, by creating a slightly alkaline PH between 7.85 and 8.4 cancer cells will die off from excess oxygen.
Again, our bodies are meant to have a balanced PH so excess alkalinity for an over extended period of time can be harmful.  

So, what can we do to help prevent cancer?
1. Reduce stress - Stress is one of the biggest producers of lactic acid in the body.

2. Exercise regularly - Regular exercise increase oxygen flow to the cells.

3. Eat more live food - Your body doesn't have to work as hard to break down live foods which again increases oxygen.

4. Laugh more - Laughing reduces stress and helps the body to relax.

5. Stop worrying - Worry increases stress levels.

6. Avoid Carcinogens - These are products which are known to cause   cancer.

7. Eat alkaline rich foods - greens, garlic, berries, melons.

8. Drink Plenty of Water - I believe this is understood.

9. Consume enough Omega 3 fatty Acids - Natural cancer aggressor.

10. Drink Lemon and Limeade - Use organic sugar minimally of coarse.

11. Eat organic - Non organic foods usually
contain high counts of pesticides.

None of this is a guarantee to perfect health but anything that is better than what we have done or are doing is simply better and can only help.
There are countless things that I can list for you to do.

My best suggestion is to make better choices and Live a Whole Life.

Until next time, Thank You for joining my journey.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro

Friday, June 28, 2013

Essential Healing

I am a big advocate of natural healing. 
Natural remedies are always my first course of action with any ailment.
I do refer to Western medicine but only in extreme cases when I am unable to self diagnose or find the right combination of herbs to be effective.
In 44 years on this earth, this process has served me well.
Mind you, I am from the Islands and grew up witnessing and experiencing the effects of natural healing.

Through the years I have come to depend on essential oils and have found them to be immensely effective as natural healing agents.

What are essential oils?
Essential oils are the volatile, aromatic oils obtained by steam or hydro-distillation of botanics.
Essential oils are the regenerating, oxygenating, and immune defense properties of plants.
In layman's terms, essential oils are the blood or vital life force of the plant.
Parts of the plants such as flowers, leaves, seeds, roots, stems, bark, wood, etc. can be used to distill essential oils. 
Essential oils (Technically they are aromatic essences but due to their ability to bind with fats they have been dubbed essential oils) or Aromatic Essence Solutions have been used as medicines and cosmetics and were considered more valuable than gold since before Christ.
Oils like frankincense, myrrh, rosemary, and hyssop were used for anointing and healing.
Preserved oils were found in alabaster jars in King Tut’s tomb in Egypt. 
Recipes for  making and blending of the oils were recorded in hieroglyphics on the walls of Egyptian temples.

The energetic components of essential oils make them 70 times more potent than herbs.
It takes 21 minutes for essential oils to penetrate the cells of the body verses 5 to 10 hours for herbal formulas.
This makes essential oils more effective as nutrient transporters.

Essential oils stimulate the senses of smell, taste, and emotions.
Their chemical composition is similar to human hormones making them natural aphrodisiacs.
By diffusing the oils into the air you increase the oxygen, ozone, and negative ions, creating a positive effect on the body and environment
Because the oils contain antimicrobial inhibitors microbes can not survive in the oils.
Evidence has shown that no bacteria or virus have developed any resistance to essential oils.
They have the highest energy frequency, antioxidants, antiseptic, and oxygenation properties.
The use of essential oils help to bring balance to one's physical, emotional, and mental well being.
It is important when using essential oils that they are unadulturated or food grade quality.
In other words, if you can't put it in your mouth you probably don't want to put it on your skin.

I have personally used essential oils for everything from breaking fevers, opening up my bronchi, headache relief, softening scars, healing burns, relieving muscular pain, skin lightening, anxiety/stress relief, seasoning foods and many, many other applications. 

Essential oils are amazing for imparting flavor to foods, especially in the preparation of pastries.
To learn more about cooking with essential oils, visit:  "Äromatic Infusion to Vegetarian International and Ehnic Cuisine"

To purchase high quality essential oils, email for a list of oils and prices.

Below is my favorite guacamole recipe using essential oil of cilantro.

Infused Guacamole

2 Avocados
1 Roma Tomato De-seeded and Diced
1/2 Small Red Onion Minced
1 Small Serrano Chile (Finely Minced)
1 Large Clove of Garlic (Paste)
1 Lime Juiced
3 Drops of Cilantro Essential Oil
Sea Salt to Taste 

In a glass bowl roughly mash the peeled avocado with the back of a wooden spoon.
Add all other ingredients and mix well to blend.
Tastes great with Trader Joe's Organic Blue Corn Tortilla Chips

To learn more about essential oils and their uses follow :

Make essential oils an everyday part of your lives.

You will  find they improve your quality of living immensely.

You don't know how much of a benefit something can be to your life until you try it.
Thank you once again for joining me on my journey.
Until next time.

Blessings, Love and Light,

Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro

Thursday, June 20, 2013

Healthy Weightloss

For me, the idea of depriving myself of food to lose weight seems like self torture.
Especially knowing that by making some
simple changes, I can achieve the results I want and remain healthy,
Think about this question.
If it took you 4 years to gain 50 lbs, why are you so determined to lose it in 3 months?
You gave your body time to stretch to fit the extra weight.
Why doesn't it make sense that your form would also need adequate tome to acclimate to taking it off?
Think of your skin as you would the elastic band ind a pair of pants..
If you repeatedly stretch and retract the band, over time it loses it's ability to contract and will eventually become lose.
The same is true of your skin.
Constant dieting will cause it to eventually lose it's elasticity until it becomes difficult for your skin to contact around the muscle.
The look of sagging skin can have as much of a detrimental effect on your self-esteem as too much weight.
If you lose 1 lb a week it is perfectly healthy.
If you lose more great bravo!
If not, don't be so hard on yourself.
Relax and just enjoy being healthy.
Focus on making conscious choices and controlling your portions.
When you feel full,stop eating.
If you are hungry after 7:00 pm, eat negative caloric food.
Start every morning with an 8 oz glass of room temperature water.
Drink hot lemon water, or Clean Sweep tea with your meals.
Eat on a smaller plate.
STOP drinking traditional soda and minimize natural sodas.
Drink at least 1 of your meals in a smoothie or protein shake.
Have 5 to 6 small meals a day.
Drink 16 glasses of water with lemon for every 100 lbs you have to lose.
Do NOT LET SOCIETY determine your optimal size.
Get rid of your scale.
Let your health and the way you feel be your guide.
I wish you the best on your journey to good healthy weight loss.
Thanks once again coming along on the ride to Whole Living.

Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro

Clean Sweep Tea
Zest and Juice of 3 Lemons      
1/4 lb Ginger peeled
1/8 tsp Turmeric
1tsp Cayenne
1 tsp Cinnamon
1 cup water

Blend in a high powered blender (like NutriBullet) until liquefied.
Store in a container in the refrigerator.
Add a tsp or more to 8 oz of hot or cold water or coconut water.
Use sweetener if you choose.

Friday, June 14, 2013

Healthy Restaurant Food with Great Taste

How great would it be to go to a restaurant where you can eat healthy and enjoy every bite?
Well, have no fear.
The concept that healthy food does not taste good is a complete and utter fallacy.
There are many fabulous restaurants that prepare food in a more health conscious manner and are vegetarian/vegan friendly however, there are vegetarian, vegan and raw restaurants popping up all over.
Moreover, you can explore these preparations in various ethnic preparations.
The following are restaurants I personally recommend.
The highlighted link will take you directly to the restaurant homepage.
These establishments feature food that are full of flavor and visually pleasing. 

For the every day all American fare like burgers, sandwiches, salads and tacos, check out

They serve up fast food, made fresh in a casual atmosphere.
My personal menu favorite is the Pappa's Portabello with the Spring Mix Salad.
Item prices range between $1.95 and $9.95.
This restaurant has several locations throughout Los Angeles and California State as well as Oregon and Washington.

If you really want to spice up your palate, Indian and Thai food will serve it up.

is Indian fast food at it's best.  
Located at 10408 Venice Blvd Culver City, CA 90232 at the corner of Motor in a tiny strip.
Great vegan indian grub!For a mere $8.00 price tag, select 1 rice, 1 bread, and 3 vegetable dishes, also included are a salad, pappadum and raita.
I love the Channa Masala, Bombay Aloo and Broccoli Bhuna.
The restaurant is small, the food and service are wonderful and every time I go there it is packed with excited hungry customers.

Bulan Thai Vegetarian Kitchen.

Located off the beaten path at 
4114 Santa Monica Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90029 in the Silver Lake area and 71680 Melrose Los Angeles, Ca 90036. 
My menu must haves are the Sate, Pad Ka Prow and Busaba Pumpkin.
This catchy little structure is small on space but big on atmosphere with a nice view.
Menu items range from $1.50 - $12.00

samosa house
located at 10700 Washington Blvd Culver City, Ca 90232 and 11510 W Washington Blvd Culver City, Ca 90066
The Samosas are a must have.  I also love the Saag Paneer.
 For $8.50 choose 1 rice and 3 entrees.
also included are fresh baked Naan and Raita or Soup.
The atmosphere is very family friendly and they stay busy. 

Cafe Gratitude 
Serving up fresh, vegan organic and raw cuisine.
The menu is abound with casual gourmet selections from fresh juices to raw desserts all with catch phrase names like "I Am Beautiful".
The Los Angeles location is at 639 N Larchmont Blvd Los Angeles, Ca 90004 with a second local at 512 Rose Ave Venice, Ca 90291 as well as locations in Santa Cruz and Berkeley.
Menu items range in price from $2.00 -  $14.00. 
Try "I am Satisfied and I Am Grateful"
The atmosphere is rustic, urban and there is always a wait to be seated.

Fatty's & Co
This restaurant, located at 1627 Colorado Blvd. Eagle Rock, Ca 90041 serves gourmet vegetarian and vegan cuisine in a casual chic atmosphere.
Photo of Fatty's and Co by quarrygirlMy favorites are the Pear Gorgonzola appetizer, The Paella and the Macaroni and Cheese.
I suggest calling before you go.  They are open for dinner only and usually take reservations.  This is not a family friendly atmosphere.

Trying to go Gluten Free but love bread and pastries?
There is only one place that I love, love, love!
Rising Hearts Bakery
formerly known as The Sensitive Baker.
This quaint little spot is located at 10836 1/2 Washington Blvd Culver City, Ca 90232.
They make the best Gluten Free Cupcakes I have tried thus far.  Satisfy your sweet tooth and your bread lust with out the negative extras.
They make both vegetarian and vegan breads and pastries and have an allergen notice that gives you a break down of which has what.
Menu items range in price from $4.00 - $36.00

As I said, these are my personal choices but there are many, many more to choose from. 
The Happy Cow website has many vegetarian/vegan listings with opinions and ratings.
That being said, "Get out there and get to tasting."
Thanks again for coming along for the ride to Whole Living.
Until next time.  Happy Eating!

Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef Figaro"

Friday, June 7, 2013

Whole Living, Whole Lifestyle

In my blog, I repeatedly mention Whole Living or moreover Whole Lifestyle.  
Some have an idea of what this is but many do not understand the concept.
My goal today, is to open the window so that all who are following and those yet to come, have a good idea of what my understanding of a Whole Lifestyle is.
The definition of whole is:
1. Containing all components; complete
2. Not divided or disjoined; in one unit
3. Constituting the full amount, extent, or duration
4. a. Not wounded, injured, or impaired; sound or unhurt bHaving been restored; healed:
The definition of Lifestyle is:
1.the habits, attitudes, tastes, moral standards, economic level, etc., that together constitute the mode of living of an individual or group.
2.  A way of living of individuals, families (households), and societies, which they manifest in coping with their physical, psychological, social, and economic environments on a day-to-day basis.

What I mean when I talk about Whole Living or a Whole Lifestyle is living in a manner that comprises the human condition as a compound unit.
To live a whole Lifestyle it is important to approach every aspect of our life condition as though it were a physical, mechanical being.
The best way to visualize Whole Living so that we can put the concept to work is to visualize independent issues (physical, mental, emotional, and psychological, etc.) as you would a car
The different parts of the car serve different purposes and may even be able to work separate one from another.  However, they need to function with each other to comprise a car.
If one mechanism in the car is not working properly and steps are not taken to fix the malfunction, different components in the vehicle begin to slowly break down until it doesn’t properly operate or completely breaks down.
We are exactly the same.  If any one component of our make-up is faulty, the rest of the components begin to slowly fail.
A Whole Lifestyle entails caring for our entire being instead of just parts of what make us a complete unit.
We need to be aware of every aspect of who we are so that if any one aspect is at risk of being unwell, we do all we can to repair it so that we continue to function in a fluid, happy and healthy motion.
We have to be aware that our physical, emotional, spiritual, psychological, environmental, familial, societal, environmental and worldly selves all need to be fed in a manner that will ensure our optimal health.
This does not mean we will never be unwell.
This means that we do everything we can to remain in a state of well-being.
We cannot give completely and wholly of ourselves if we ourselves are not whole.
I am writing this blog in the hopes that I can help my readers to live a Whole Life.
I will share myself and my life as an example of being. 
The smile you see on my face is a genuine manifestation of my whole being.
I hope that my light will touch everyone I come in contact with whether it be through my cooking, my words, my touch, my smile or any manifestation of myself.
I encourage you from this day forward to make a commitment to:
Put Yourself First, Breathe Deeply, Smile Often, Detox, Talk It Out, Eat Healthy, Smile, Be Positive, Make Love, Walk Daily
Tell Yourself You’re Beautiful, Sleep Well, Pray, Stretch
And any other positive thing that moves you into a state of well-being.
As always, thank you for coming along for the ride.
Until next time.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla Veggie Chef Figaro

Friday, May 31, 2013

Salad Fix

In my previous blog "Keep it Simple", I talked about using fresh ingredients and keeping them simple to let the natural flavors of the food shine through.
I am also conscious of the fact that because of today's busy schedules, meals have to be quick and satisfying.
One of the fastest and easiest ways to achieve this is by making salad.
Salads can pack quite a punch when it comes to satisfying ones hunger as well as being full of flavor and nutrient rich.
I am the Queen when it comes to salads.
Give me a bunch of fresh ingredients and I can find a way to make a salad with it.
Add different textures by adding nuts and dried fruits.
Try using fresh herbs to give your salads extra punch.
Pack in extra protein to your salads by including cooked beans or protein rich grains. 

In my opinion, salads should NEVER be boring because you have so many options.
I am also of the opinion that salads taste best when the dressing is made from scratch.
Besides, You can whip up a fresh batch of salad dressing in any blender in about 3 minutes.
So why settle for store bought?   
There is just something to be said about that perfect combination of herbs, oil and acid that can make a salad sing.
Freshly made dressings also have no preservatives (which changes the flavor of the ingredients) and you control the salt and sugar content.
An added benefit to salad is that many of the ingredients are negative calories.
All foods have calories or energy however they also require energy (calories) by the body to burn them.
If a food requires more body energy to burn than it produces, then it creates a negative caloric count.
Guess what?  Negative caloric counts lead to weight loss.  Bonus!!!!
This means you can eat it in abundance (mindful of other ingredients of course) without being overly worried about your waistline.
The following list contains some foods that create negative calories.
Apples, Apricots, Asparagus,  Beets, Blackberries, BroccoliCabbage, Cantaloupes, Carrots, Cranberries, Cauliflower, Celery, Chicory, Chili Peppers, Watercress, Cucumbers, Dandelion, Eggplant, Endive, Fennel, Garlic, Grapefruit, Green Beans, Guava, Lemons, Lettuce (all kinds), Mangoes, Onions, Oranges, Papayas, Peaches, Pineapples, Plums, Prunes, Radishes, Raspberries, Spinach, Strawberries, Tangerines, Tomatoes, Turnip, Watermelon, Zucchini
Eat these to your hearts content and watch the pounds melt away.
Following is a simple and delicious recipe for my Kale and Chickpea Salad.
This salad is nutrient rich with proteins, iron and antioxidants.
Try it and let me know how you liked it.  
Once again, Thanks for taking the ride to Whole Living with me.  Until next time.
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla Veggie Chef Figáro

Kale and Chickpea Salad
1 lb cooked garbanzo beans
2 cups finely chopped kale
1 medium carrot grated
2 cloves garlic paste (adjust for your taste)
1 small red pepper diced
1 small yellow pepper diced
2 spring onions (green only) chopped
2 lemons (juiced)
2 tbsp rice wine vinegar
2 tsp agave (adjust for your taste)
sea salt and fresh ground pepper to taste

Once prepped, place all ingredients in a medium bowl and toss until well blended.  Refrigerate at least 20 minutes before serving.
Be sure to re-toss before serving.