What makes her so amazing is the size of her heart.
Masha has the gift of benevolence.
This is something that few and far in between can hold.
I am generally critical and leery when it comes to charities due to the abundant number of scams today.
I tend to be overly generous but I work so hard for what I earn that when I give, I need to feel that I am giving to one truly in need.
My giving needs to touch my spirit and speak to my heart.

Benson became nearly paralyzed at the age of six due to contracting Pott's Disease aka Tuberculosis of the spine.
This disease has caused such deformity in Benson's spine that he lives in constant and intense pain.
Due to a medical condition of my own, I know what it feels like to be in pain daily.
This is something I would not wish on anyone much less a young child.
As Masha expressed her passion towards helping this child, she mentioned that many had attempted to assist him but had not completed the task (Benson is now 12 years old).
This was not the case with Masha.
She took that passion and full steam ahead embarked on the endeavor to make sure that Benson would receive the help he so desperately needed.
That being said, I would like to introduce you to Benson Joseph and the possibility for his future through this brief video.
Because of Masha's diligence, she was able to raise close to $14,000.00 to pay for Benson's surgery and aftercare.
Benson has received his surgery and is well on his way to a better life.
Though Masha has completed her goal, her quest to help this little boy has not come to it's end.
In my last conversation with her, she expressed her desire to raise funds to send Benson to a boarding school where he can receive proper care and education.
If this story has moved your spirit, I encourage you to contact Masha Balovlenkov
on FB for more information.
Remember that Wellness must be Whole to be ultimately effective.
If you choose to help, I thank you on behalf of Masha and Benson.
2014 is a year for new beginnings.
I have set new goals for myself and plan to post more frequently.
Please click follow on my blog to help encourage and support me.
I appreciate you.
Happy 2014
Blessings, Love and Light,
Carla "Veggie Chef" Figaro